Well, being me I've gotten annoyed with background v 3.0 also looking crappy on my other puppy so what to do? Start a second painting of course. Here's the start of "Charlie" a 5x7" acrylic on canvas Still rough of course.
Meanwhile I sketched this one:

"Rainy Day Blues" 5x7 Ink and paper
And in the fine tradition of "bite off more than you're likely able to chew", I signed on for a "Sketchbook In A Month" for October on the Wet Canvas site. One member had a da Vinci sketchbook they'd not much used, which had a little blurb in it stating that if you wanted to learn to draw well you should fill a sketch book every month. (In other words, practice lots!) Well it was decided to run that as a challenge and a bunch of people signed on for it with a choice of sketchbook size and number of pages. I bought an Eraldo di Paolo, A5, 60pgs. While not the most flash it's still nice looking and portable but... that will mean filling about 2 pages every day! A tad ambitious someone also working around small kids, dogs etc!